Films 映画フォント! 


Film 映画フォント!  似ているフォントは何?

映画名:The Departed (Warner Bros., 2006)
似ているフォント:Aachen™ Bold

映画名:The Black Dahlia (Universal Pictures., 2006)
似ているフォント:Bauer Bodoni™ Roman

映画名:Rocky Balboa (MGM, Sony Pictures/20th Century Fox., 2006)
      ロッキー ザ ファイナル
似ているフォント:ITC Franklin Gothic™ Heavy

映画名:An Inconvenient Truth (Paramount Classics., 2006)
似ているフォント:Gill Sans™ Bold

映画名:The Queen (Miramax Films., 2006)

似ているフォント:Minion® Subhead Regular

映画名:The Good Shepherd (Universal Pictures., 2006)
似ているフォント:Neue Helvetica™ 75 Bold

映画名:Das Parfum (Constantin Film., 2006)
似ているフォント:Nicolas Cochin™

映画名:Flags of our Fathers (Dearmworks Pictures & Warner Bros., 2006)
似ているフォント:Trajan™ Bold

映画名:La vie an rose (Piturehouse., 2006)
似ているフォント:Sackers™ Gothic Medium

映画名:Scoop (BBC Films., 2006)
似ているフォント:Sackers™ Gothic Heavy

Helvetica and Nicolas Cochin are trademarks of Linotype GmbH and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Minion is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Trajan is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Bauer Bodoni is a trademark of Bauer Types SA.

Aachen, ITC Franklin Gothic and ITC Roswell are trademarks or a registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Sackers is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Gill Sans is a trademark or a registered trademark of The Monotype Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.